Project: Gothenburg tram lines: screenshots

2004-01-07 Axel Dahlströms Torg, so far.

2004-01-07 Another view from Axel Dahlströms Torg.

2004-01-06 From the driver's point of view, inside Vagnhallen Majorna.

2004-01-06 From the driver's point of view, by the stop at Vagnhallen Majorna.

2004-01-06 Kungssten, so far.

2004-01-05 The repainted Light Rail Utrecht tram with the new GS colours. Outside Vagnhallen Majorna.

2004-01-05 Vagnhallen Majorna.

2004-01-05 Repainted Light Rail Utrecht.

2004-01-05 Tram on the sidetrack after Vagnhallen Majorna .

2004-01-05 The baseboards so far.